Uniform Information
To order a pre-loved school uniform please visit the website below
School Uniform
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Dark grey, black or navy-blue trousers
- Dark grey, black or navy-blue skirts or pinafores
- Blue & white checked summer dress
- Dark grey, black or navy-blue shorts
- Flat shoes or trainers. No heels, flip flops/sliders or strappy sandals
PE Kit provided by school
- Royal blue shorts
- Royal blue
- Plimsolls or trainers (to be provided by parents, contact Mr Danquah PE Lead if this is a concern)
- No jewellery or watches
You can now place your own orders for school uniform directly with our supplier Tots to Teams. This should make it much easier for you to order at times when the school office is closed or very busy.
Please see the link below for full details: