Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 by the Government and is allocated to children from low-income families known to be eligible for free school meals and children who are looked after by the local authority. Schools are free to spend the funding as they see fit but are responsible for seeing that the funding supports families on low incomes and other target groups.
The range of provision the Governors may consider include:
- Reducing class sizes thus improving opportunities for effective Assessment for Learning (AfL) and accelerating progress.
- Providing small group work with an experienced teacher focused on overcoming gaps in learning.
- One to one support.
- Additional teaching and learning opportunities provided through learning mentors, trained Teaching Assistants (TAs) or external agencies.
All our work through the pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress, moving children to at least age related expectations. Initially this will be in Literacy and Numeracy. We work closely with families to ensure any barriers that may stop some children achieving and attaining as highly as other groups right across the curriculum are removed.
Pupil premium resources may also be used to target able children on free school meals (FMSs) to achieve at or above the National Expectation at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2).
Barriers To Learning
In school barriers to be addressed.
We need to:
- Foster self-esteem in all pupils through the comprehensive school approach of developing the whole child, not just academic achievements.
- Continue to deliver speech and language support from entry in EYFS through their journey through the school.
- Focus on developing high quality CPD through research based enquiry and visits to recommended outstanding case study schools.
- Create experiences that widen the children’s vocabulary.
- Continue to develop writing for a purpose that gives children a passion to write, especially the boys.
- To encourage children to become more independent in their own learning.
- Give time across the school for effective feedback to individuals, to ensure that their feedback is developmental so they know what to do to improve in all areas.
- To develop the provision of science across the school and foster the ethos of STEM to show links with industry and the wider world.
How we measure the effect of the Pupil Premium
We track our Pupil Premium children at the end of each term and report our findings to the Governing Body. These termly milestones allow intervention to be put into place if required.
We review, evaluate and adjust the impact of our Pupil Premium spend every term. This is led by our Inclusion team.