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Behaviour Statement

At Byker Primary School we believe that all children and adults in our school and community are important.  We have a legal responsibility to ensure every child is safe and protected from harm.  We aim to provide an environment where everyone feels valued, happy and secure. 

We are committed to enabling all of our pupils to access their education successfully by regulating the conduct of all pupils. Keeping pupils in control is not an educational aim in itself, but it is a necessary pre-requisite for the achievement of many other educational aims. 


This policy is based on the following beliefs:

  • Developing the whole child enables them to take responsibility for their own behaviour by promoting self-discipline and proper regard for authority.
  • Providing a welcoming and friendly atmosphere in which the children will feel secure and develop the skills, will enable them to make the right choices.
  • Encouraging good behaviour and respect for others aims to prevent all forms of bullying among pupils.
  • Children need to know when they have been successful.  Improved self-esteem leads to improved behaviour.
  • Schools can and do make a difference to the personal development of the child.
  • Praise and positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment.
  • Good behaviour should be held in high esteem by all members of staff and overtly and consistently rewarded and promoted at all times.
  • Good behaviour for learning allows children to work and participate to their full potential, completing assigned work in connection with their education.
  • Children should have equal access and opportunity to the curriculum.
  • Effective links and co-operation between home and school are essential to success.
  • Consistency is the key to success. The positive behaviour management and assertive discipline policy of the school depends upon all staff, teaching and non-teaching, endeavouring to achieve these aims by understanding and being able to implement its procedures.


Please see our full Behaviour Policy in the ‘Policies’ section (link below).  Our policy complies with section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.